Preacher’s Whiteboard is a VERY SIMPLE iPad app that allows technically non-expert individuals (namely pastors, preachers and senior business executives) to mark up documents, annotate drawings and photos, and generally make notes that they need shown on a projector or video screen. It is stripped down to its most basic function to remove many of the problems that plague full featured apps.
For example, the image can’t be accidentally rotated or scaled when the user rests their hand on the screen. The image directory stays hidden so the user can select the next slide without showing the whole deck. Most of the work and years of testing was entered around figuring out how to put the LEAST amount of features in the app to keep it predictable for our clients in the corporate meeting rooms and churches.
There are dozens of great telestrator apps available if you want all kinds of features and bells and whistles. This is the one you want if you don’t want to incur the ire of the CEO or pastor when his/her on-screen presentation goes crazy. I’ve been there. I don’t need the hassle. You don’t either…
This page is for support. You shouldn’t need any, but feel free to submit questions or bug reports. If you have a suggestion for an additional feature, send it too. It will be part of our next app called “Engineer’s Kitchen Sink”.
Thanks for playing!
We don’t have access to, or collect any information about anything, so we have nothing to share or leak.